Ayurveda for Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Hello, I am Dr. Surej, a consultant physician and MD in Ayurveda, practicing at Ayur Bethaniya, Thrissur.

In my practice as an Ayurvedic doctor, I have worked with various patients suffering from different types of skin diseases, including eczema. Traditional Ayurvedic literature refers to eczema as Vicharchika, and it is a long-lasting inflammatory skin condition found in people of all ages. In this blog post, I will expound on my understanding, touching on the causes of eczema according to ayurvedic confinement, signs, and the manner in which it ought to be dignified through the implementation of the ayurvedic remedy.

Understanding Eczema: The Ayurvedic Perspective

Eczema is characterized by redness and inflammation accompanied by itching and sometimes oozing skin. According to Ayurvedic principles, imbalances in the three doshas – Vata Pitta Kapha is responsible for various diseases like eczema, too. It believes specifically that pitta and kafa doshas are irritated, leading to the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in body tissues, including blood vessels, manifesting as Vicharchika or eczema.

Causes of Eczema

There are internal as well as external factors that may trigger eczema conditions. In my practice, I have observed that the following are common causes of eczema:

1) Dietary Factors

Eating hot foods such as spicy dishes with lots of sour ingredients or fermented items can cause flare-ups. Additionally, taking sweet things, particularly those made from milk, worsens the kapha state, thus aggravating the disease further.

2) Lifestyle Habits

According to my observations, people who do not exercise regularly usually suffer from disturbed sleep patterns causing an imbalance between vata pitta kapha energies, resulting in skin disorders like eczema.

3) Environmental Factors

Exposure to too many chemicals found in homes and industrial areas, pollution brought about by different climatic changes, etc., may lead to more severe manifestations of eczema symptoms.

4) Genetic Predisposition

Some people have inherited genes that make them prone to developing allergic reactions toward specific substances leading development of eczema.

5) Mental and Emotional Factors

It has been noted that when one is stressed out or anxious, their emotions tend to get imbalanced, hence causing flare-ups for some individuals suffering from this condition.

Symptoms of Eczema

The signs and symptoms of eczema may vary greatly from person to person, but most frequently, I come across the following:

  • Intense Itching: This can be the most disturbing sign as this prompts scratching and further damage on the skin.
  • Redness and Inflammation: The affected areas of skin usually turn out to be red, swollen, and warm when touched.
  • Dryness and Scaling: Often, the skin becomes dry, accompanied by flakiness, which cracks easily.
  • Oozing and Crusting: There are instances where severe eczema results in the oozing of a clear or yellowish fluid from the skin before crusting over later.
  • Thickened Skin: Continual scratching may cause thick patches that resemble leather on your body’s surface.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema

Ayurveda is probably the only system of medicine that addresses a disease in a holistic way, same is the case with eczema. Several treatments are available such as detoxification of body systems, rebalancing doshas (humoral elements) as well as restoring normal health status of skin among others. Here are some main ayurvedic treatments for Eczema.

1) Dietary Modifications

During treatment, I usually, prescribe a diet plan depending on the physical condition of the patient as well as the doshic predominance exhibited by them, in case of a condition where pitta and kapha are vitiated a diet which is cooling, bitter, and astringent in taste and foods like leafy greens, cucumbers, and whole grains are advised. Consuming sweets is not recommended. You should avoid pungent dishes and those which are too oily. Cutting down on fast foods, processed canned products, etc., must be shunned altogether.

2) Herbal Remedies

Many herbs work effectively against this condition, according to Ayurvedic science. Some of my favourite herbs include:

  • Neem: Neem has strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which help soothe irritated skin, reducing inflammation at the same time.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric contains powerful antioxidants along with an excellent anti-inflammatory effect hence useful for healing wounds faster besides reducing red coloration around them.
  • Manjistha: Blood purifier; clears toxins from body systems thus best used during detoxification processes, especially when there are skin eruptions like eczema, etc.

3) Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic detox procedure that involves removing any harmful substances known as Ama from the body. Though the panchakarma are five in number Vamana--therapeutic vomiting and Virechana--purgation therapy are more effective among others for patients with eczema.

Read to Know: Panchakarma Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

4) Topical Applications

Usually, I would recommend using pastes made up of herbs mixed together or oils applied externally, such as;

  • Kumkumadi Oil: This is one traditional oil blend in Ayurveda that contains different plant extracts used specifically for nourishing dry skin areas that need rejuvenation therapy too.
  • Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera gel has cooling properties hence reducing itchiness while at the same time, it soothes inflamed skin so can be good during healing processes for this condition sometimes.

5) Lifestyle Modifications

Regular exercises including yoga asanas along with meditation help manage stress levels besides bringing about doshic balance within oneself; enough sleep daily routine should be maintained all through life stages.

6) Hydration

Keeping the skin well-hydrated is crucial for managing eczema. I advise my patients to drink plenty of water and use natural moisturizers like coconut oil.

My Experience with Eczema Patients

Over time, I have attended many cases involving individuals suffering from eczema. Each had their unique symptoms and triggers, too. One instance I cannot forget was when a young girl came seeking medical attention due to her long battle with severe eczemas. The disease had greatly affected this patient’s quality of living to the extent that she never slept all night and was painful throughout, thus making her always uncomfortable. Nonetheless, after altering some diets, giving certain herbs, plus applying Panchakarma treatments for some time, we managed to get control over these signs and are now presently living healthier lives without any such indication, which clearly shows us how effective Ayurveda can be.

Ayur Bethaniya: Leading Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala

Ayur Bethaniya is one of the leading ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala that provides comprehensive, personalized ayurvedic treatments. Our team of renowned doctors, led by myself, strives to ensure total wellness in patients through traditional practices rooted in the ancient science called Ayurveda. The center has modern resources required for various therapies during this era, like Panchakarma or herbal medicines, but all these are tailored uniquely towards each patient’s needs, ensuring they get what exactly suits them best, thus achieving overall good health. We value our clients greatly, hence showing compassion always as well as giving more attention where necessary.

Ayur Bethaniya suggests an all-inclusive and efficient method for the control of eczema. This strategy deals with the primary causes while also promoting general health which ensures long-term relief accompanied by healthier skin. If you or your dear one is going through tough times because of this condition, come to Ayur Bethaniya and give Ayurveda a try.

Feel free to contact us for your queries.

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