Back pain Treatment In Kerala | Panchakarma Treatment for Back pain

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World Health Organization  named the first decade of third millennium as the “decade of campaign against musculoskeletal disorders (as the silent epidemic)” (WHO, 2005). Studies show that people who sit and work for more than 8 hours and construction workers have back pain. According to WHO back pain  is the first among  all occupational risk factors that arise due to work. It is a cause of disability and it challenges the health care practitioners. No single medication, modality, exercise regimen or any other treatment in any discipline can cause  full recovery from backache. A physician should understand the role of different medical systems so that he can co-ordinate and integrate various treatment practices for the cost-effective management of the disease.

These are some important guidelines you have to keep in mind before treatment. Do not worry about the back pain. Think positive.Be active and try to stay at work. Rest is not a treatment for back pain. It is only your reaction to the pain. Limit your rest days to one or two. Do not expect a complete relief during the rest. If the pain lasts above a week consult a physician.

These are several advantages of the treatment in ayurveda over modern medicine. It not only arrests the process of degeneration but also supports and nourish the regeneration of soft  tissues like ligaments and tendons.Disc prolapse or disc rupture can be prevented.Since ayurvedic drugs are free  from adverse effects it will not cause hyperacidity or ulcer formation in duodenum and stomach.

According to ayurveda Kati Shoola can be correlated with back pain. It can be effectively managed by judicious use of modalities such as Panchakarma, Shamana, and by maintaining a proper diet and lifestyle.

  • Panchakarma
  • Snehana: If the patient is free from Ama, AvritaVata, Ajeerna, Aruchi etc. Snehapana can be adopted. In case of Ama or Kapha Dosha, Langhana and Pachana should be done before snehapana inorder to facilitate the Niraamaavasta. After achieving Niraamaavasta,  Taila Paana , Ghrutha Paana and Bahya Snehana can be administered. Snehadhara, Abhyanga, Avagaha, Parisheka, Kati Basti  etc are the different forms of Bahya Snehana. Medications to use  are Sahacharadhi Taila, Mahamasha Taila and Prasarini Taila.
  1. Swedana: Kati Shoola is described as a Sweda Sadhya Vyadhi. Avagaha Sweda, Pizhichil, Nadi Sweda, Patra Pinda Sweda, Pinda Sweda, and Upanaha Sweda, Kati Basti are different Sweda procedures recommended for Kati Shoola.
  2. Mridu Samshodhana: Virechana is very effective for chronic back pain. Mridu Virechana is recommended by many authors for Vata Vyadhi . Eranda Taila is good for Nitya Virechana.
  3. Basti: For the Chikitsa of Kati Shoola, Erandamuladi Niruha Basti, Vaitarana Basti and Pippalyaldi Anuvasana are various types of Nirooha mentioned in classics
  • Shamana:

Medications for Shamana are of four types.

1.Kashaya: Sahacharadi Kashaya, Dashamoola Kashaya, Rasna-erandadi Kashaya, Rasnadi Kashaya and Maharasnadi Kashaya

  1. Choorna: Ashvagandhadi Churna, Ajamodadi Choorna, and Chopachini Choorna
  2. Leha: Eranda Paka, Aja Mamsa Rasayana, and Amrita Bhallataka Leha
  3. Guggulu: Mahayogaraj Guggulu,Trayodashanga Guggulu and Lakshadi Guggulu.

Diet  and lifestyle according to Pathya – Apathya should be strictly followed.