Difference Between PCOD and PCOS - Ayurvedic Ways to Cure it!

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PCOD and PCOS have become a worrying issue for women nowadays. Stressful and busy life, pollution, reduced physical activities/ exercises and high consumption of junk food are some of the main reasons for the rise in this physical problem. Having similar abbreviations, many consider both as the same. PCOS and PCOD are two different medical conditions.


PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

Women have two ovaries, which release eggs every alternate month. PCOD is a condition wherein the ovaries will be releasing premature or partially matured eggs. This will remain in the body and may turn into cysts. Studies indicate unhealthy dietary choices including junk food, stressful work/ life scenarios, hormonal imbalance, lack of exercise, and obesity as the common reasons for PCOD.

The symptoms include hair loss, irregular menstrual cycle, weight gain in the abdominal region, and hair loss. PCOD leads to enlargement of the ovary causing the increase in the secretion of the male hormone, Androgen. The women’s fertility would be affected if this medical condition were not treated in time.


PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

The excessive production of the male hormone, Androgen, is the main reason for PCOS. The increased level of male hormones in the female body affects the production and release of eggs. The unreleased eggs will turn into cysts and lead to anovulation and enlargement of the ovary. PCOS is a more severe medical condition than PCOD. The symptoms of PCOS include hair loss, obesity, and infertility.


Differences Between PCOD and PCOS

Both PCOS and PCOD affect the ovary and indicate symptoms like excessive weight gain, hair loss, and infertility. Causing people to confuse between them.

Seriousness – PCOS is a more serious condition than PCOD. PCOS is a metabolic disorder that would require treatment without any delay. It may cause cardiovascular issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, or endocrine cancer. PCOD could be controlled with proper diet, exercise, and regulated life.

Occurrence – Around 33% of women globally are affected by PCOD, making it a common medical problem. PCOS is not a common issue.

Causes – Genetic peculiarities, and hormone imbalance are the most known factors that lead to both PCOS and PCOD. However, PCOS is an endocrine disorder, whereas PCOD is not. The increased production of Androgen, a male hormone, in the body hampers the menstruation cycle.

Fertility – PCOS can seriously affect fertility. The women with PCOS would require urgent medical attention and treatment for conceiving a child. Constant care may also be required to prevent miscarriages. On the other hand, those with PCOD can conceive with a little bit of medical support and guidance.

Early Symptoms – PCOS symptoms might be visible in the early years of puberty itself. The symptoms including excessive hair growth, acne, and obesity might be exhibited by the individual.

Ovulation – PCOD patients ovulate regularly, even if the intervals vary. This vital factor confirms the ability to conceive. Those suffering from PCOS may not ovulate due to the peculiar physical condition generated due to the excessive male hormone in the body.


Ayurvedic Ways to Cure PCOD and PCOS 

Ayurvedic ways to cure pcod and pcos

Ayurveda suggests a comprehensive treatment program for PCOS and PCOD. What we, Ayur Bethaniya, follow is based on our practical experience merged with the knowledge we gained from thousands of years old Ayurveda scriptures.

The treatment for PCOD and PCOS at Ayur Bethaniya will have herbal medications, diet control, and physical exercises. These medical ailments are observed to be due to the imbalance of Vata dosha in the body. The treatment at our medical center will focus on expelling the excessive dosha and reclaiming the equilibrium. It consists of:

  • Shodhana – The detoxification or expulsion process to remove the toxin from the body and gain purity.
  • Shamana – Rendering balance to the body and making it comfortable with proper metabolism.
  • Yoga – To keep the body active, regulate bodily functions and rejuvenate the mind
  • Dietary Control – To avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body before it regains the complete strength and energy


Dietary Regulations During Ayurveda Treatment for PCOS and PCOD

Dietary Regulations during Ayurveda Treatment for PCOS and PCOD

By following food regulations directed by the doctors, the ailment could be cured in less time than normal. We provide an organically produced healthy diet to the in-house patients at Ayur Bethaniya. Those undergoing Ayurveda treatment for PCOD and PCOS are advised to observe strict dietary regulations.

  • Avoid (as much as possible) red meat, deep fried items, junk foods, and other readymade food items. These contain saturated fats, which is harmful for body
  • Include more fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Salads made of fresh fruits and vegetables would be a healthy choice
  • Reduce consumption of salt as much as possible
  • Avoid packed fruit juices, and packed food
  • Strictly no beverage that contain artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks or sugary food

Pursue the ayurvedic medicines, diet control, and exercises prescribed by our doctors, to cure PCOS and PCOD at the root level.

To know more about Ayurveda treatment for PCOS and PCOD and for scheduling a visit, contact us now.