Most Common Headaches and Ayurvedic Ways to Deal with It

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Types of Headache

Headache is one of the most common problems encountered by us all. The most common reason for headache among youngsters and professionals is stress. How relieving it would be if you can get some home remedies or herbal ayurvedic methods to reduce the pain and prevent recurrence of the ailment.


Most Common Types of Headaches

types of headaches

Studies indicate some of the most common types of headaches. One may find it meaningless to understand the type of headache. However, identifying the type will aid in pursuing medication effective for the issue besides starting preventive steps to stop recurrence.

  1.     Migraine

Migraine has been one of the most common types of headache. The majority of the time it will be one sided, giving a pulsating sensation to the individual. The person may be able to recognize the migraine attack in advance. A condition, which the medical professionals call “Aura” would be indicative of the ailment. Around 20% of patients observe aura before the onset of the headache.

Aura could be:

  • Sensation like flashing lights
  • Blindspot
  • Wavy lines

The reasons for migraine include heredity, neurological problems, hormonal imbalance,  stress and so on. Effective preventive and corrective treatments for migraine are available in Ayurveda.

  1.     Sinusitis or Sinus Infection

Allergic conditions due to dust or any other allergens may lead to Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) causing headache. Research indicates that it has a close connection with Migraine. By clearing Pitta dosha, this headache can be cured. Ayurvedic treatment for Sinus headache will depend on the patient’s familial history and the severity of allergic conditions.

  1.     Stress-induced Headache

Most of the youngsters and others working in multinational companies, IT firms or other highly demanding jobs will understand this. Stress-induced headache is a common medical problem nowadays. The tension and stress may affect the body adversely leading to a headache. Tenderness around different body regions may also occur due to this problem.

  1.     Cluster Headache

This is complicated and one of the most worrying types of headache. Although doctors don’t have a confirmed reason that causes cluster headache, there are effective medications available in Ayurveda for eliminating it. The patient suffering from cluster headache will be subjected to a series of headaches in a day, which may exist for several days in a period.

The above-mentioned are some of the most common headaches. There are also other types of headaches observed, viz. Hypertension headache, hormone headache, caffeine headache, post-traumatic headache and so on.


Tips to Reduce Headaches Easily

Let us see some tips and home remedies that can be effective in reducing headache easily. However, we advise you to obtain medical aid at the earliest to prevent the recurrence of headache. Herbal medicines and oils available in Ayurveda are known to be effective in eliminating the problem at the root level.


Ayurvedic Ways to Deal with Headache:

Ayurvedic Way to Treat Headache

  • Sandalwood Paste – Sandalwood, commonly known as Chandan, has cooling qualities. Make Chandan paste, apply it on the forehead and relax for some time. The headache will reduce phenomenally.
  • Brahmi – Brahmi has cooling effects. It can work wonders when one is suffering from a headache due to hot climatic conditions, stress or other problems. Put Brahmi mixed with a few drops of ghee in the nostril to cool down the heat and remove the headache.
  • Luke Warm Water mixed with Rock Salt – Drinking warm water mixed with rock salt can have a positive result in eradicating headache.
  • Ice-pack on Forehead – Put a small piece of wet cloth, packed with ice, on the forehead. It has proven efficacy in curing headache.
  • Hot Bag – Relieve stress-induced headache using hot bags behind your head.
  • Massage – You can do it yourself or ask your spouse to massage the area where it pains. The massage will enhance blood circulation and reduce pain.
  • Coffee – Caffeine is effective in increasing blood circulation and thereby reducing headache.


How Ayur Bethaniya Can Help Cure Your Headache?

Ayur Bethaniya has Ayurveda doctors with immense experience in the field. They will study each patient and prescribe medication depending on his or her body nature, familial history, type of headache and other relevant factors. By administering a combination of herbal medicines, oils, yoga/ physical exercise and diet control, the ailment would be cured at the root level.

According to Ayurveda, there are three types of headache, viz. Vata Type, Pitta Type and Kapha Type. The course and treatment methodology would depend on the type of headache you are affected by. A thorough study of the patient would be undertaken by our panel of doctors to ensure quick and complete healing. Ayurveda medicines are natural. Hence, those don’t cause any side effects to the person.

Ayur Bethaniya focuses on relieving headache, and other medical problems, through a natural ayurvedic way. To book an appointment, contact us now.