Get To Know The Causes Of Cervical Spondylosis

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Cervical spondylosis (also known as neck arthritis, cervical osteoarthritis, or degenerative osteoarthritis) is a common disorder of the cervical spine. Cervical spondylosis is indeed a fancy medical term for osteoarthritis in the neck area of the spine. Spondylosis is a group of several conditions that cause stiffness and swelling in the spinal joints (some of these conditions may also affect the soft tissues that are attached to the bones). The term “cervical” is used to indicate the specific part of the spine (the top seven vertebrae) in which the condition is present. In comparison, lumbar spondylosis occurs in the lower back while the thoracic spondylosis occurs in the midsection of the spine.

Causes Of Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis is usually age-related and is present in about 80% of people over the age of 65. Many, however, don't experience noticeable symptoms and they may not even be aware that these changes are going on in their neck (apart from sporadic neck pains). While it’s mainly the result of ageing, it can also be caused by other factors as well.

Cervical spondylosis causes

In Ayurveda, a condition called Greeva graham with cardinal characteristic of stiffness of the neck is explained, which exactly suits cervical spondylosis. Greeva means neck and Graha refers to stiffness. Some Ayurveda doctors match up to this condition with another disease called Vishwachi / Apabahuka. Cervical Spondylosis treatment in Ayurveda works on the root-cause by balancing the doshas and strengthening the Asthi dhatu. According to Ayurveda, Imbalance of the vata, pitta and kapha doshas is considered as the main cause of any kind of irregularity in the body’s vital functions and diseases. In the case of cervical spondylosis, distorted vata dosha is the main offender! The vitiation of vata is caused by two mechanisms. One of them is obstruction to the pathway of vata due to malfunctioning of kapha and pitta. The other one is increase of vata alone (degenerative changes).

The inflammation in the ligaments and muscles surrounding the vertebrae classify spondylosis as a high Vata and Pitta disorder. Vitiated Vata leads to depletion of body tissues (for an instance, with ageing, Vata increases and body tissues start degenerating). The degeneration and dryness caused by Vata leads to decrease of Kapha dosha, in particular, sleshaka kapha (synovial fluid), which is responsible for cushioning in between bone joints. Hence disc degeneration sets in which leads to spondylosis.

Aggravating Factors:

  • Age: The incidence of cervical spondylosis increases with aging
  • Sedentary Lifestyle (no physical activity and improper diet)
  • Injury or trauma, especially repeated trauma, increases your risk for cervical spondylosis.
  • Genetic Factors – Family history of Spondylosis. Your risk for complications of degenerative changes may be higher if your spinal canal and/or intervertebral foramen are naturally small in diameter.
  • Sitting for long periods can put excess strain and pressure on the neck joint increasing the risk of bone erosion and low bone density. If your job involves work that takes place above your head and/or lot of repeated neck motion, your risk may again be higher.
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) - gradual build up of damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves from repetitive motions caused due to defective lifestyle without ergonomic care (while working in front of computer, travelling, etc).
  • Vata aggravation is also caused by heavy consumption of vata-provoking foods; intake of dry, light, cool, stale and gas forming foods; heavy meal at night time; increased gaps between meals; increased consumption of caffeinated beverages and other stimulants, having more of sour, bitter, and astringent foods or drugs (that are counteractive to the tastes of bitter, pungent and astringent foods)

Viharaja (Bad habits)

  • Lack of sleep at night and sleeping during the daytime, may aggravate the condition
  • Heavy exercise
  • Suppression of the natural urges
  • Lifestyle involving overindulgence in physical and sexual activities.
  • Heavy weights in the head, neck or shoulder
  • Smoking is really bad for your back, no matter how you slice it.
  • Excessive travelling, Bike riding for long distances or Travel in vehicles that cause constant vibration of the body, or exposure to strong vibrations.
  • Sleeping for a long time in cramped or bad positions.

Manasika hetu (Psychological factors)

According to a study published in the journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders in 2009, there is a strong link between psychosocial factors and neck pain in general. The authors state that the higher the neck pain level, the more consideration should be paid to psychosocial distress as a related burden.

Meanwhile, another study published in the journal Neurosurgery in 2005 estimate that greater than one third of patients with cervical spondylosis are depressed or anxious. The researchers suggest these mood disorders are most strongly associated patients' decreased ability to move.

Causes Of Cervical Spondylosis

Other psychological risk factors for cervical spondylosis are

  • Mental anxiety and excessive thinking.
  • Loss of interest in work etc
  • Mood swings, loneliness
  • Overexertion and excessive speed in the thoughts as well as words
  • Overstimulation and trying to attend to too many things all at once, times of travel or transition

At Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital, the Ayurveda specialists diagnose and find out the abnormalities in the body and devise treatment plans that help to pacify the aggravated doshas. Along with the treatment plan, proper diet and physical activities are also incorporated for faster and better treatment results. You can get the best neck pain treatment in Ayurveda, Kerala from Ayur Bethaniya. In Cervical spondylosis treatment, the Ayurveda specialists formulate customized treatment plan according to the health condition of the patient and the aggravated vata is balanced through various combinations of herbal medicines, Ayurveda decoctions with proper and adequate diet plan followed by panchakarma massage therapy and meditation to help the mind and body to get back to a state of balance and harmony. To discuss your condition and to know more about cervical spondylosis treatment and cost, book an appointment now.

Causes Of Cervical Spondylosis

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