
Yoga for Diabetes

Yoga is a form of exercise that has numerous positive effects on your health. Yoga aids in weight loss and decreasing stress levels. Engaging in daily meditation not only improves mental health and determination but also facilitates the adoption of lifestyle changes essential for controlling diabetes. Explore how Yoga can be beneficial in managing diabetes.


Yoga for Diabetes

Managing Diabetes Mindfully With Yoga

Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining health with diabetes. One of the most beneficial physical movements is regular exercise. Yoga is a great option if you want a gentle exercise that won’t strain your joints or leave you out of breath. Yoga is generally not considered aerobic because it doesn’t increase heart rate or oxygen consumption. Yoga can be transformed into a cardio workout by increasing the speed. Yoga, as a form of resistance training, allows you to utilize free weights or your own body weight to effectively build and tone muscles. People with type 2 diabetes can improve their blood glucose levels by engaging in resistance exercise. Furthermore, it improves insulin sensitivity in your cells and facilitates the conversion of glucose in your bloodstream into usable energy.



The yoga pose regulates and strengthens the pancreas, controlling insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. Lie face down with your legs spread apart. Place your arms on either side and bend your knees, gripping your ankles. Raise your chest upwards and inhale simultaneously. Pull your legs while stretching your arms and thighs at the same time. Maintain a straight face and hold the pose for about 15 seconds. Exhale as you lower your chest to the ground and release your ankle.



This yoga asana for diabetes engages and strengthens multiple muscle groups, including the spine, quadriceps, and triceps brachii. This posture improves muscle strength and helps lower blood sugar levels. Start Bhujangasana by lying on your stomach and stretching out your legs. Align your arms perpendicular to the ground, parallel to your ribcage. Lift your body off the ground by applying pressure to your arms and maintain a straight gaze. Take a deep breath and hold the position for around 15 seconds before releasing.



Tadasana is a simple yoga pose that is beneficial for individuals with diabetes. It aids in lowering blood sugar levels and enhancing mental focus. By practicing the pose, you can increase body flexibility and strengthen your knee muscles. Position your arms on either side and stand upright on a smooth surface. Inhale slowly while facing your palms upward. As you breathe in, raise and lower your arms. Maintain the position for a total of 15 seconds. Repeat the pose ten times and breathe out as you bring your arms down.



To naturally manage diabetes, try the excellent yoga pose, Balasana. In addition to relieving stress, it effectively reduces pain in the neck, back, and rotator muscles. Position your body in a kneeling stance with your knees spread wide like your hips. Move your body backwards until your hips touch your heels. Bend your head down to touch the ground while extending your arms straight ahead. Your back will experience pressure from this. Maintain the position for 5 minutes and then relax to return to the normal seating position.

Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani

This particular yoga pose promotes the functioning of different internal organs, such as the pancreas, aiding in diabetes control. This yoga pose is important for managing diabetes. Regular practice of this pose aids in blood pressure regulation and lowering blood sugar levels. Perform the pose by placing a towel under your head for support while lying on the wall’s side. Rest your legs at a 90-degree angle against the wall and allow your neck, head, throat, and chin to relax. Make sure your arms are straight and keep them at your side. Remain in this position for 10 minutes before gradually lowering your legs to the ground.