
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension

What is Hypertension?

What is Hypertension?

The body’s arteries are often affected by high blood pressure, which is a common condition. It is commonly referred to as hypertension. In individuals with high blood pressure, the pressure exerted by the blood against the artery walls is consistently above normal. The heart strains as it pumps blood with increased effort. High blood pressure is often referred to as a “silent killer” by healthcare providers as it typically presents no noticeable symptoms. Even if you don’t know it, your body is still being affected by the damage. Ayurvedic approach to hypertension targets the underlying cause and enhances overall well-being. Its focus is on holistic well-being and offers an effective alternative for managing high blood pressure without depending solely on medication.


Causes of Hypertension

Examining the key factors behind Hypertension

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Blood pressure is influenced by both the heart’s pumping capacity and arterial resistance. Blood pressure increases as the heart pumps more blood and the arteries become narrower. There is no single, definitive cause for primary hypertension. It is typically a combination of several factors that lead to it. These include:

Unhealthy eating patterns

Sedentary lifestyle

Excessive alcohol consumption

Kidney disease

Obstructive sleep apnea

Tobacco use

Recreational drug use


Symptoms of Hypertension

Delve into the common Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension

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Many people with high blood pressure experience no symptoms. Headaches, blurred vision, chest pain, and other symptoms may be caused by extremely high blood pressure. The most effective method to determine if you have high blood pressure is by checking your blood pressure. Individuals with extremely high blood pressure, typically at 180/120 or above, may exhibit symptoms such as:
Devere headaches

Devere headaches

Blurred vision or other vision changes

Blurred vision or other vision changes

Chest pain

Chest pain



Difficulty breathing

Difficulty breathing





Abnormal heart rhythm

Abnormal heart rhythm



Buzzing in the ears

Buzzing in the ears






Manage Hypertension Naturally With Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, hypertension is caused by an imbalance of Vata and Pitta. Increased blood pressure can be a result of imbalances in these doshas. The focus of Ayurvedic high blood pressure treatment is to harmonize and balance these two doshas, promoting overall well-being. According to Ayurveda, incorporating yoga and meditation into your routine can help you achieve a state of relaxation and mental peace. Increased blood pressure can be a consequence of consuming too many pungent, salty, and sour foods, as they have a tendency to aggravate Pitta. In the same way, when Vata dosha becomes imbalanced, it can interfere with the smooth flow of blood and result in hypertension. Ayurveda aims to restore the balance of these doshas by making changes to one’s lifestyle and using herbal remedies.


Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayur Bethaniya for Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension in Kerala

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At Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital, we focus on finding the underlying cause of hypertension in our treatment approach. Identifying the underlying cause of hypertension is crucial for determining the most effective treatment and achieving complete healing. The treatment plan involves giving herbal decoction and conducting a thorough body detox to eliminate the underlying cause of hypertension. These treatments assist in detoxifying the body and promoting the unobstructed flow of blood in all channels. To make this possible, it is crucial to enhance digestion and strengthen the digestive fire. In addition to herbal medications and Ayurvedic procedures, we incorporate yoga into our treatment plan to promote mental relaxation and inner rejuvenation. The doctor suggests making a few lifestyle changes for quicker healing and lasting outcomes. The doctor examines the overall condition of the body and designs a diet and lifestyle plan accordingly. Typical dietary changes consist of avoiding table salt, pickles, meat, eggs, tea and coffee, alcohol, and smoking. Walking, jogging, swimming, or doing yoga can help regulate high blood pressure.

Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital offers personalized herbal treatment plans to safely and effectively treat hypertension, ranging from mild to severe cases. Our medical facilities and utilities are top-notch, and our expert doctors and staff provide comprehensive care and support to patients. Book an appointment now to find out about hypertension treatment plans and the associated costs.

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Integrated Treatment For Hypertension

Explore Comprehensive Approach for Effective Management

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According to Ayurveda, hypertension is associated with Raktagata Vata and classified as Tridoshaja Vyadhi. By addressing imbalances in the body and mind, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive approach to managing high blood pressure. It highlights lifestyle adjustments, dietary shifts, herbal treatments, and stress management methods. Balancing the mind, reducing stress, and maintaining blood pressure can be achieved through proper dietary habits, exercise, yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda herbs.

Dietary Changes

The key to managing high blood pressure lies in a heart-healthy diet. According to Ayurveda, it is advised to eat fresh, whole foods that are easily digestible. Your diet should consist of a diverse range of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Stay away from excessive salt, processed foods, alcohol, and caffeine.


Lifestyle Modifications

Engaging in regular exercise enhances cardiovascular health and maintains blood pressure. Both yoga and meditation have stress-reducing and relaxation-promoting benefits. Keep a healthy weight by following a balanced diet and staying active, as obesity can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Get sufficient sleep every night, as lack of sleep can worsen hypertension.


Herbal Remedies

Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, and Shankhpushpi have adaptogenic properties that aid in stress management and potentially promote heart health. Ayurveda traditionally utilizes Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) to promote heart health and potentially regulate blood pressure. Triphala, which includes amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki fruits, is commonly advised for general health and may offer advantages for hypertension.


Ayurvedic Therapies

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic detox therapy that practitioners may recommend for cleansing the body and balancing doshas. Abhyanga and Shirodhara are calming treatments that can reduce stress and induce relaxation.


Yoga for Hypertension

Learn simple asanas to manage Hypertension










Adho Mukha Savasana


Setu Bandhasana


Viparita Karni


Prevention for Hypertension

Explore various preventive strategies for hypertension

By reducing hypertension, one can prevent heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, and other health complications. Lifestyle modifications can be effective in reducing high blood pressure for individuals with hypertension. Even after making these changes, many will still require medication. Making these lifestyle changes can reduce and prevent high blood pressure.

Eat more vegetables and fruits


Stay active


Maintain a healthy weight


Limit salty food intake


Avoid foods high in unhealthy fats


Quit smoking or using tobacco


Limit alcohol intake