
Ayurvedic treatment for Heart Block

Heart Block

Heart Block

Ayurvedic treatment for heart block and coronary artery disease follows a systematic process aimed at eliminating the ailment at the root level. The treatment comprises herbal medicines, dietary regulations, exercises, and changes in lifestyle patterns. A holistic approach by our panel of specialists would find the exact cause and implement a treatment program for heart block and coronary artery disease.

Krimija Hridroga, as Coronary Artery Disease is called in Ayurveda, is caused by the blockage of arteries primarily due to plaque formation. Of course, there are other reasons as well, that cause CAD. An unhealthy diet, lack of adequate physical activities, and a busy lifestyle have been the common reasons for this ailment. Ayurvedic treatment for heart block and coronary artery disease focuses on removing the elements that obstruct the flow of blood. Thus, ensuring the smooth circulation of oxygenated blood.

Heart disease due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the blood vessel has increased since the beginning of the new millennium. Mainly due to the change in lifestyle with more people employed with multinational companies, IT firms, BPOs, and other such busy entities. Ayurvedic treatment for heart block is one of the safest, most effective, and budget-friendly options for curing heart-related ailments. The treatment process does not require surgery or the usage of a stent.



Types of Coronary Artery Disease

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Coronary Artery Disease is categorized into three. The ayurvedic treatment for coronary artery disease would differ depending on the type of CAD. Therefore, the specialist doctors at Ayur Bethaniya would examine the patient physically, as well as, ask for lab tests including ECG and Echocardiogram.

Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

Plaque formation in the arteries is the cause of obstructive coronary artery disease. A common type of CAD is the one that comes to people’s minds when speaking about this medical condition. A completely blocked artery will lead to a heart attack.

Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

Studies indicate that non-obstructive CAD is more common in women than men. Instead of plaque formation, this ailment is due to issues with the arteries. The symptoms are similar to that of obstructive CAD. Hence, a detailed analysis is required for determining the type.

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

As the name indicates, this type of CAD occurs spontaneously. Due to a tear in the wall of the coronary artery. The tear might obstruct blood circulation and cause a heart attack.


Symptoms of Heart Block or Coronary Artery Disease

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A few symptoms might indicate a possibility of heart block or coronary artery disease. Identifying those and consulting for ayurvedic treatment for heart block can help preclude heart attacks. Symptoms of heart block or CAD are:
Angina or chest pain

Angina or chest pain

Angina or chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of heart disease, heart block, or CAD. The pain is observed on the left or middle side of the heart, due to the improper supply of oxygenated blood.


Dizziness along with physical exertion is experienced frequently when a person is suffering from severe coronary artery disease.
Extreme fatigue

Extreme fatigue

Extreme fatigue, tiredness, and shortness of breath as the heart craves more oxygen are other symptoms of CAD.
Silent heart attack

Silent heart attack

Heart block or CAD can cause a silent heart attack, which will not exhibit any symptoms.
Palpitations of quivering sensations

Palpitations of quivering sensations

Palpitations of quivering sensations are also experienced by a CAD or heart block patient.
Cholesterol level beyond permissible leve

Cholesterol level beyond permissible leve

Gall bladder stone

Gall bladder stone



Metabolic X syndrome

Metabolic X syndrome




Ayurvedic treatment for Heart Block

Ayurvedic treatment for heart block and coronary artery disease would be determined based on the degree of the ailment primarily. Our panel of specialist doctors would examine the patient, analyze his or her familial history, evaluate the test results, and reach a decision on the treatment procedure.

Ayurvedic treatment for heart block and coronary artery disease offered by Ayur Bethaniya would aid in eliminating the condition at the root level. The patient does not have to undergo surgery or place a stent as part of the treatment. The completely natural process, comprising herbal medicines, oils, therapy, physical exercises, and dietary regulation would help in curing the ailment. The person can start a new healthy life post treatment at Ayur Bethaniya.


Ayurvedic Treatment

Why Ayur Bethaniya for Ayurvedic Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease?

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Ayur Bethaniya has been renowned for offering a complete cure to many complex medical conditions including coronary artery disease and heart block. We have been receiving patients from all around the country, as well as, abroad due to the fame we received through patients who have consulted us. Ayur Bethaniya has a holistic approach to the treatment of CAD and heart block. Our sole aim is to eliminate the ailment at the root level, so the person can continue with his normal life without any medicines or physical limitations.

The no-risk, no-surgery, Ayurvedic treatment for heart block and coronary artery disease has been attracting patients. It is ideal for those who do not want to undergo surgical corrections, people who are not preferring surgery, those who want to avoid risk, and individuals looking for natural remedies for complex heart disease.

We invite you to Ayur Bethaniya for a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for heart block and coronary artery disease in Kerala. To schedule and book an appointment with our specialists, call us now.

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Risk factors

Risk factors of Coronary Artery Disease

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Risk factors that elevate the chances of coronary artery disease and heart blockage include:


Obese people can face heart diseases including coronary artery disease.


Inactive Lifestyle

Inactive lifestyle might augment plaque formation in the coronary artery and can lead to CAD.


Junk Foods

Junk food is a proven cause of CAD and other heart-related ailments.


Genetic Reasons

Heart diseases occur hereditarily as well.


Smoking Tobacco

Tobacco is the main villain for several medical conditions and heart diseases.



Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease






Nuclear Scan test


Stress Thallium test


Cardiac Catheterization